About Us

Allegra Group started small, but with great ambitions, at a kitchen table in Primrose Hill, North London in 1998.
The first company we formed was Allegra Strategies - founded with the vision to be recognised as the most influential global provider of high-quality business information across a number of key sectors.

From this grew a strong consumer insight business - Allegra Insights - which maintains a proprietary panel of over 200,000 consumers.
As our bespoke projects helped more clients facilitate smarter and better-informed business decisions, we also began to publish many leading-edge reports.

This was the foundation for Allegra Publishing, which has evolved into a consumer-facing business with the creation of coffee and wellness guide books and technology.
Using our in-depth research, unique insight and industry knowledge - and to put theory into practice - we created  world class events such as London Coffee Festival, New York Coffee Festival and Earthfest (coming soon).

Allegra Group events is responsible for exciting audiences and creating meaningful experiences, all in a highly engaging, creative, and inspiring format.
Our research of the coffee industry continues to be the leading and most comprehensive industry intelligence for a number of years. This research now sits under the World Coffee Portal.

In the past decade we have extended this expert knowledge and thought-leadership to the health and wellness industry through Balance - a global wellness lifestyle brand.
We strongly believe in giving back, a belief that’s manifested through initiatives such as UK Coffee Week, and the creation of the Allegra Foundation. And are an ambitious supporter of young artists, musicians, and filmmakers through the Coffee Music Project, The Coffee Art Project, and The Coffee Film Awards (coming soon).

Furthermore - with entrepreneurship a core part of our DNA - we now run England’s Lane, a café-restaurant in North London – add Terra Moderna & England’s Grace (opening soon).


+44(0)20 7691 8800

Allegra Group
Serendipity House
106 Arlington Road

Stay in touch

Registered in England. 106 Arlington Road, London NW1 7HP. No. 10052705
© Allegra Group 2025